Typically, anyone who is involved in a car accident, and is hurt as a result of the accident needs to call a lawyer; whether it’s for legal advice or representation. This is especially true if you are looking for compensation for the injury and damages or are seeking legal representation for a denied insurance claim.
If you happen to be involved in a car accident and wind up sustaining personal injuries but are uncertain of how to proceed with the case, the best course of action is to call an Austin personal injury attorney. And it is best to do so soon enough after the accident, to place yourself in a better position to win your compensation claim.
Here are top four signs that you need to call a personal injury lawyer;
When the insurance company contacts you
The other driver’s insurance company will often try to reach out to you and offer enticing deals that are hard to resist. Without a lawyer by your side, it’s easy to sign this agreement assuming it’s the best you can get. However, this is never the case. Insurance firms are in it for business; they want to save as much cost as they can. So, it is impossible for them to want to offer you the best deal. Besides, if you give in to their offer, and happen to realize other injuries later on, then there’s nothing much that you can do. A lawyer has experience dealing with such cases. They know when it’s the right time for you to sign a deal. They also know how much your injuries and damages are worth. And the best part is they have your best interest at heart.
You have to pay for injuries and damages
If you are involved in a serious accident that causes severe injuries and damages, it’s best to lawyer up. Severe injuries may require extra medical treatments like prescriptions, surgeries or even physiotherapy. Unfortunately, these costs are sometimes more than what your insurance cover provides. Why would you want to cater for charges that arose due to someone else’s negligence?
Your insurance claim has been denied
There are times when you choose to go through the process without an attorney; then it happens that your claim is denied. In such a case, your only best bet is to get a personal injury attorney to help out. Insurance firms have different reasons to refuse a claim; however, it’s also possible that their judgment was unfair. By working with a lawyer through the appeal process, you get to ensure that insurance company doesn’t take advantage of you.
Peace of mind
Dealing with a personal injury is tough, but it’s even harder when you have to file documents, talk to law enforcement, negotiate with the insurance company, and attend to family members. All these can be overwhelming. When peace of mind is critical, then the best thing that you can do for yourself is to get a lawyer.
Whether you need to file for bankruptcy is not something you ask your friends as most of the time, they will tell you not to do it. Their lack of legal knowledge can drive you away from a good step that can make your life better. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a New York City Bankruptcy lawyer instead.